Saturday, May 28, 2016

Santa Barbara "I Madonnari" Italian Chalk Painting Festival 2016

Here's a couple of shots from Saturday, 2016.05.28 (start of memorial day weekend):

Figure 1: My friend and ex-coworker Craig does his annual chalk painting sponsored by his wife's veterinary clinic: 2016.05.28

Figure 2: I Madonnari Italian chalk painting festival at the Santa Barbara Mission, 2016.05.28

Monday, May 23, 2016

HRC Bumper Sticker

Figure 1: HRC bumper sticker, Arrellaga & Santa Barbara Streets, looking NE, May 22, 2016

A new one spotted June 9th, alongside an older Bernie sticker:

June 9th, Goleta CA

Thursday, May 12, 2016

Dana Milbank's newspaper menu

... because he said he'd eat his column if Trump got the nomination, and on Hardball on 2016.05.11 he said he intends to follow through, presenting the following menu:

Figure 1: Dana Milbank's chef prepared menu for him for his column (the one he said he'd eat if Trump was the GOP nominee)

Sunday, May 8, 2016


Figure 1: Mother duck and ducklings in Alice Keck Park Memorial Garden, May 8 (Mother's day), 2016